Leadership training

As part of our industry-leading recruitment training, Zest Atlantic covers an extensive range of training courses to continuously upskill our consultants.

Programs for personal development

Executive presence and presentation skills

This session helps leaders develop, organise and deliver effective and influential messages and presentations.

Leadership and self-deception

Leveraging the Arbinger Institute book and concepts and certification, this session helps leaders understand how their mindset and approach can help or hinder key relationships and their overall success.

Resilience – WorkPlace Big 5

Based on the WorkPlace Big 5 assessment, this session helps leaders understand their own triggers and levels of resilience in an effort to build self-awareness and increase their overall effectiveness.


Based on the book The Upside of Down, this session helps leaders understand the different ways in which failure can be leveraged to advance their knowledge and success.

Polarity management

Leveraging Barry Johnson’s work on Polarity Management, leaders in this session learn and experience the importance of polarities, and the value of being able to proactively manage polarities in their role.

Speed of trust

Leveraging Stephen Covey’s book The Speed of Trust, leaders learn about the importance of trust and the impact it has on how efficiently and effectively one can conduct business. It focuses on the overall value and health of key relationships as leaders.


The FIRO-B (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation – Behaviour) assessment is used to provide leaders with the awareness around their need for control, inclusion and desired level of relationships. This awareness helps leaders better understand how they will interact with others during collaboration and their overall preferences for interactions.

Leading with purpose

Based on Simon Sinek’s book and Ted Talk video Starting with Why, this session allows managers to understand and explore their personal reason why being a leader is important to them, and why good leaders are critical to a successful organization.

Programs for personal development
Change management

Based on Ken Blanchard’s Change Management model, leaders learn the key principles of change management, understand how people react to change, and be given the opportunity to apply this knowledge to a real-life change scenario.

Understanding the difference between performance and potential

Focused on the work of Development Dimensions International (DDI), this session educates leaders on the difference between performance and potential to help them lead, coach, and develop their employees in a well-rounded/holistic approach for the overall success of the team and organisation.

Lead with a story

Storytelling is one of the most powerful and influential skills for leaders to master. Stories can make leaders memorable, influential and impactful in a very short timeframe. Leaders learn what makes an effective story and be able to develop and deliver their own story.

Strength-based leadership

Based on Tom Rath’s book, each leader is expected to read the book and complete an online assessment. They then receive a personalised report, allowing them to explore their results and ways to leverage their strengths as a leader.

Personal brand

Leveraging concepts from the book Managing Brand You leaders will learn the importance of having a personal brand as a leader, and how to redefine, refine or develop the desired brand.

Recruitment Training

From your first day with Zest Atlantic, you will be trained by our expert and tenured recruitment professionals into the role of a recruitment consultant. Find out more about the recruitment training we offer.

Programs for team collaboration
Situational leadership

Leveraging the Ken Blanchard’s book Leading at a Higher Level, and the situational leadership mode, this session helps leaders understand and navigate the different phases of leadership throughout the development and maturity phases of a direct report.

Marginal gains

Exploring the success of the Great Britain cycling team and other successful organisations that have implemented the concept of marginal gains, leaders are given the opportunity to apply the model to their business focus areas.

Strategic thinking

The workshop focuses on the components of the RED model, allowing leaders to work with their peers to apply the new found knowledge to a real-life scenario.

Programs for team collaboration

GROW – Coaching for breakthrough

Leveraging InsideOut’s GROW model approach and materials, this session educates leaders on the fundamentals of performance and how to more effectively coach as a leader.

Conflict management

Leveraging the Thomas Kilmann Conflict assessment, this session helps leaders understand the different conflict styles and how to effectively and productively navigate conflict.

5 Dysfunctions of a team

Focused on the book by Patrick Lencioni, the models and concepts in this session are used to educate leaders on the different levels of dysfunction possible in a team environment, how to overcome them in an effort to create a cohesive and productive team.


Leveraging the Vital Smarts materials, models and certification, this session helps leaders understand the components of influence and how to effectively use these skills in real business situations.


For leaders to be effective, and their teams to perform consistently, they need to understand the overall neurological reactions they, as well as their teams can experience. In this session, leaders are given the basic fundamentals to remain effective in the face of the fight, flight or freeze neurological reactions.

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