Accounting cover letter template

The accounting industry is competitive, so whenever you submit a job application, you want to know that yours stands out. That means ensuring your cover letter is impressive, succinct and unique, while simultaneously aware of accounting sector practice and the high level of professionalism expected by colleagues and clients alike.

A good accounting cover letter has the capacity to set you apart from your competitors, so here’s your guide to writing it.

Accounting cover letter do's

  • Do keep it short. One page is the maximum for cover letters, with the ideal length between 250 - 350 words, or around four paragraphs
  • Do address your cover letter to the right organisation, and correct member of staff
  • Do tailor or customise your accounting cover letter for every role you apply for
  • Do pluck out the best bits of your resume to use throughout your cover letter
  • Do show that you’ve done research about the company or organisation
  • Do show some personality. What’s unique and hireable about you?
  • Do end your cover letter by thanking the employer for their time
  • Do always run a thorough spelling and grammar check before submitting your cover letter

Accounting cover letter don'ts

  • Don’t use out-dated or unprofessional contact details. Always use the most recent, most relevant, and the most professional
  • Don’t use company-specific language or terminology. Stick to what is known and understood at an industry level
  • Don’t simply copy or rewrite your resume in your accountant cover letter
  • Don’t call out skills or experience gaps in your cover letter. If this needs explaining, it can be done later in your resume
  • Don’t include irrelevant information. Consider the role, the company and what they want most from candidates. Focus on these areas in your cover letter

Accounting  cover letter sample

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Accounting cover letter example

This example cover letter for accountants is strong because it sticks to cover letter best practice. It is less than a page and within the optimum word limit. The details are correct and titles specific, which indicates that this candidate has done their research and checked their facts. The most impressive skills and experience from the candidate’s resume have been included, without the document having been simply repeated.

This cover letter is also strong because it exhibits personality, ambition and passion. The candidate has detailed why he wants to work at this company, and why he is best suited for the role. The format is neat, with each idea or point broken into its own short paragraph. The sign off is courteous and the employer is thanked for his time. The candidate’s personal details are available in full and easy to read should the employer want to contact the candidate.

The way in which you write and communicate key messages in your accounting cover letter is just as important as the actual experience and content you include, so make sure yours is suitably formatted, neat and easy to read for every role you apply for.

Take a look at our cover letter tips page for more cover letter writing tips and examples.